Some of Aaron Cosbey’s work on trade and sustainable development:
“Greening Regional Trade Agreements: Insights in the Areas of Market Access, TBT and SPS Measures, Services, and Government Procurement.” Paper prepared for the OECD Joint Working Party on Trade and Environment. (COM/TAD/ENVIRONMENT/JWPTE(2018)3) (classified) 2018.
“How Will a Revised NAFTA Deal with the Environment?” (with Howard Mann). CIGI Commentary, Toronto: Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2017.
A Sustainability Toolkit for Trade Negotiators: Trade and investment as vehicles for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. (with Nathalie Bernasconi and Joe Zhang) Online interactive resource. IISD/UNEP. 2017.
Trade and Green Economy Handbook (3rd ed.) (translated to Spanish, French, Russian and Mandarin), (editor and lead author), Winnipeg: IISD/UNEP, 2015.
“Inside CETA: Unpacking the EU-Canada free trade deal,” BioRes 8(9): 14-18, November 2014.
“Ticking the Environment Box (Why and how to mainstream environment into aid for trade).” (with Chris Beaton) Trade Forum, Issue 3, 2013.
“Environmental Assessment of NAFTA by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation: A Proposed Framework.” Report commissioned by the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Montreal). 2012.
“Environmental Assessment of NAFTA by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation: An Assessment of the Practice and Results to Date.” (with Soledad Aguilar, Roberto Constantino and Sabrina Shaw). Report commissioned by the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation. 2011.
“Sustainable China Trade: A Conceptual Framework,” in Mark Halle and Long Guoqiang (eds.) Elements of a Sustainable Trade Strategy for China. Winnipeg/Beijing: IISD/Development Research Centre of the State Council. 2010.
“China’s Electrical Power Sector: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Trade.” (with Song Hong and Matthew Savage) in Mark Halle and Long Guoqiang (eds.) Elements of a Sustainable Trade Strategy for China. Winnipeg/Beijing: IISD/Development Research Centre of the State Council. 2010.
A Sustainable Development Roadmap for the WTO. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2009.
“Brave New Deal? Assessing the May 10th U.S. Bipartisan Compact on Free Trade Agreements.” IISD Commentary, August 2007.
“Rapid Trade and Environment Assessment: National Report for Lao PDR.” (with Sabrina Shaw, Heike Baumuller, Tom Callander and Latsamay Sylavong). Winnipeg: IISD, 2007.
“Rapid Trade and Environment Assessment: National Report for Thailand.” (with Sabrina Shaw, Heike Baumuller, Tom Callander and Bunchorn Songsamphant). Winnipeg: IISD, 2007.
“Regional Arrangements,” in Adil Najam, Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz and Mark Halle (eds.), Trade and Environment: A Resource Book. Geneva: ICTSD/IISD, 2007.
“Regional Trade Agreements and Environment,” (co-authored) Report commissioned by the OECD Joint Working Party on Trade and Environment. (COM/ENV/TD(2006)47) Paris: OECD, November 2006.
“A Sustainable Development Roadmap for the WTO?” Bridges (ICTSD). Vol. 10, no. 7, November 2006.
“Sober Reflection: Considering the Rush to Regionalism,” in Troubled Times: Sustainable Development and Governance in the Age of Extremes, Islamabad: SAMA/Sustainable Development Policy Institute, 2006, pp. 307-324.
“Reconciling Trade and the Environment,” in State of the World 2006, New York: W.W. Norton & Co./Worldwatch Institute, 2006, pp. 134-151.
“Environmental Health and International Trade: Linkages and Methodologies,” (lead author, with Laszlo Pinter and Luke Peterson), paper prepared for Health Canada, 2005.
“The Rush to Regionalism: Sustainable Development and Regional/Bilateral Approaches to Trade and Investment,” (lead author, with Simon Tay, Hank Lim and Matthew Walls). Scoping paper produced for the International Development Research Centre, Canada, 2004.
“Report of the Informal Consultations between the OECD Trade Committee and Civil Society Organizations,” (with Karel Mayrand). Paper prepared for International Trade Canada based on the OECD Trade Committee’s Sixth Annual Consultations, October 19, 2004, Paris.
A Capabilities Approach to Trade and Sustainable Development: Using Sen’s Concept of Development to Re-Examine the Debates. Commissioned by the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development. Winnipeg: IISD, 2004.
Lessons Learned on Trade and Sustainable Development: Distilling Six Years of Research from the Trade Knowledge Network. Winnipeg: IISD, 2004.
“State of Trade and Environment Research: Building a New Research Agenda.” (with Konrad von Moltke) Winnipeg: IISD, December 2003.
“FTAA Washout in Miami,” FOCALPoint: Spotlight on the Americas, Vol. 2, No. 11: 11-12, November – December, 2003.
“New Views of Trade and Sustainable Development: Using Sen’s Conception of Development to Re-Examine the Debates.” Thematic research paper produced for the IISD/ICTSD Trade Knowledge Network, Johannesburg policy workshop, February 2003.
“Taking the Doha Language Seriously: The WTO as if Sustainable Development Really Mattered.” Proceedings of the Chatham House conference Sustainable Development in the New Trade Round: Trade, Investment and Environment after Doha, London, May 13 – 14, 2002. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2002.
“The Trade, Investment and Environment Interface” in Shahrukh Rafi Khan (ed.), Trade and Environment: Difficult Policy Choices at the Interface, London: Zed Press, 2002 pp. 1 – 16.
“Enforcing International Environmental Obligations,” commissioned background paper for, and report of, the Experts’ Round Table, convened Ottawa, March 26 2002, by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
“Trade, Markets and Economic Policy: Charting Canada’s Progress on Sustainable Development Commitments Related to Trade and Investment,” background paper for Canada’s National Report for WSSD, commissioned by Environment Canada, November 5 2001.
“Building Capacity for Trade and Sustainable Development: The Trade Knowledge Network,” in Enrique Leff and Mindahi Bastida (eds.) Comercio, Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable: Perspectivas de América Latina y el Caribe. Mexico: UNEP-ROLAC/UNAM, 2001 pp. 423 – 436.
“The WTO and PPMs: Time to drop a taboo.” Bridges (ICTSD). Vol. 5, no. 1 – 3, January – April 2001.
“A Forced Evolution? The Codex Alimentarius Commission, scientific uncertainty and the precautionary principle.” IISD working paper. Winnipeg: IISD, November 2000.
“Institutional Challenges and Opportunities in Environmentally Sound Trade Expansion: A review of the global state of affairs,” North-South Center Agenda Paper No. 41, Miami: North-South Centre, April 2000.
“Timing and Public Participation Issues,” in Assessing the Environmental Effects of Trade Liberalisation Agreements: Methodologies. Paris: OECD, 2000.
“International Trade and its Environmental Integrity,” in Environmental Management in Practice: Vol. I: Instruments for Environmental Management. Nath, B. et al. (eds.), London, U.K.: Routledge. 1998.
“Economy Report, Canada: Trade and Environment Policy and Practice,” in Trade and Environment Workshop: Papers and Proceedings (Beijing, 22 – 24 July, 1998). Singapore: APEC Economic Committee, 1998.
“Trade and Sustainable Development: The Global Picture,” in Trade Policy and Environmental Agreements: Developing a South African response. (Proceedings of a workshop organized by the Trade and Industrial Policy Secretariat/Foundation for a Global Dialogue). Johannesburg: TIPS/FGD. February 1998.
“The Sustainable Development Effects of the WTO TRIPS Agreement: A Developing Country Focus,” paper delivered at the Second Annual Sustainable Development Conference, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, August 4 – 10, 1996.
“International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development: Report of a feasibility study” commissioned by the Neptune Group, Switzerland, October 1995.
“Beyond the WTO: Finding Appropriate Homes for the Issues of Trade and Sustainable Development” (with Nevin Shaw), proceedings, Trade and Environment Conference, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, April 29-30, 1994.
GATT, the WTO and Sustainable Development: Positioning the Work Program on Trade and Environment, (with Nevin Shaw) Winnipeg: IISD, 1994.
Trade and Sustainable Development Principles (the “Winnipeg Principles”), (coordinating editor), Winnipeg: IISD, 1994.
“The Information Age and the Uruguay Round,” EcoDecision, Volume 8, March 1993.
Trade and Sustainable Development: The New Research Agenda, (with David Runnalls) Winnipeg: IISD, October 1992.