Some of Aaron Cosbey’s work on mining and sustainable development:
New Tech, New Deal: Mining Policy Options in the Face of New Technology (with Isabelle Ramdoo). Ottawa: Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development. 2021
IGF Guidance for Governments: Local Content Policies. (with Isabelle Ramdoo). Ottawa: Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development. 2018.
“Mining automation and shared value – thinking through the new conundrum” (with Howard Mann). AusIMM Bulletin, February 2017.
Mining a Mirage? Reassessing the shared-value paradigm in light of the technological advances in the mining sector. (lead author, with Howard Mann, Nicholas Maennling, Perrine Toledano, Jeff Geipel and Martin Dietrich Brauch). Winnipeg/New York: IISD/Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment. 2016.
“Bilateral Investment Treaties, Mining and National Champions: Making it Work,” (with Howard Mann) Background paper for the Ad Hoc Experts Group Meeting: Bilateral Investment Treaties and National Champions, 18th Meeting of the Inter-Governmental Committee of Experts: “National Champions, Foreign Direct Investment and Structural Transformation in Eastern Africa” Kinshasa, 17-20 February, 2014. IISD/United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
“The Cost of Carbon Pricing: Competitiveness implications for the mining and metals industry” (with Lucy Kitson and Peter Wooders). London: International Council for Mining and Metals, 2013.
“Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development: The Links to Trade and Investment Rules,” (with Howard Mann) background paper commissioned for the Mining, Metals and Sustainable Development Project, International Institute for Environment and Development, October 2001.